About Us - The Strawberry Farm

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About Us

The first step for any strawberry farmer is first attending one of our strawberry training. We conduct them every Saturday at our farm from 8-11am. It is both a theoretical and practicle and by the time a trainee leaves the farm one has gained
                            1:How to identify between good strawberry seedlings and fake strawberry seedlings
                            2:How to prepare your beds the organic way.
                            3:What to use in your shamba(farm) to prepare your organic pesticides and foliar feed.
                            4:How to increase sweetness in your strawberries without using chemicals.
                            5:How to package and market your produce.
                            6:Proper book keeping  of your income and expenses.
                            7:How to utilize the small piece of shamaba to give you huge returns.
                            8:How to prepare your seedlings either for transplanting or for re-selling.

Did you know there is a proper way to harvest your strabwerries? Did you know the best time to harvest your strawberries is very early in the morning? These are jsut some of the things we teach at our farm and we do them practically. The fruits you harvest are the fruits you carry home with you.

Pests and Diseases
We train farmers on how to manage pests and disease the organic way. We train you how to make yout own organic pesticides with localy available materials and this translates to you not purchasing any pesticides from any agrovet hence reducing your cost of production to zero. When your cost of production is zero your profits are 100%.

Planting and seedlings Preparation
Our comprehesnsive trainings also cover everything from planting your new seedlings to your new beds and also preparing your new seedlings that you will use to increase your farm and also sell. Did you know that your first seedling investments is your last seedling investment? Propagating your new seedling is very very easy and it costs you nothing.

Packaging and Branding.
Packaging and branding is one important thing when doing your strabwerries. This is how your potential clients will get a hold of you and know of your product. A well packaged and branded good attracts more potential customers and retains your existing customers.

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